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WI BIMMERS - Wisconsin's BMW Community


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Posts posted by BimmerBonez

  1. Do you have to choose a friend to share with to be able to access the site? I put in my email and it wouldn't let me go any further than the sharing portion. 


    There isn't a functioning site in place yet. Just a place to signup to stay in the loop as things develop. I wanted to get some support and feedback around the idea before investing time/money into a site. Glad to hear you're interested, though!

  2. I think it's safe to say that everyone on here gets a chubby at the sound of a badass exhaust. We post videos and "oo" and "ah" when someone's system strikes the right note. Some of us are into screamers, while others enjoy a deep bellow. 


    To this end, I am exploring an idea for a website and I would love feedback from my trustee WI Bimmers community. 


    When you get a chance, visit ExhaustNode and let me know what you think. If you think it's a cool idea please sign up and share the page with the other gearheads out there who also get excited by a nice set of pipes. 


    Thanks in advance!




    Ya know, sorta like this:


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ALbEZzJxg-Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. @rampelsauce - I like your suggestion of going beyond just M cars. All BMWs, especially E30s, provide a lot of fun on four wheels. As you mentioned, it would be a consultation service of sorts with the assumption that the buyer doesn't have the time/energy to do the research themselves. Instead, people like you and me would be empowered (and paid) to do the legwork. 


    @patsbimmer1 - Good call about my choice of words when talking about the PPI. Instead of "raising the standard" it should say something along the lines of "put the PPI in the hands of an expert". The idea (I think) would be that a buyer expresses interest in a specific car and without having to leave their desk a well-sorted BMW would show up at their front door. It would rely heavily on trusting the service, but that would be the foundation of the business. 


    Thanks for the quick feedback. Other opinions welcome!

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