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Posts posted by camarok

  1. Hey all, here's the scoop...


    The car is not mine.... It belongs to a very nice old lady....

    1972 Bavaria 4 speed. 107,000 miles on the car. Huge briefcase receipts and I believe the window sticker along with the service manual, had about $3,000 of work in the past 2 years. Never smoked in, ash tray is clean as a whistle, as well as the cig lighter. Has the optional rear defogger as well


    Here's a kicker. She's ( and her late husband ) the original owner of the car. They flew to Germany in 72, bought it, and had it shipped here.


    Drives great at all speeds, took it to 80 mph with no shake or wobble. Power feels good in the whole RPM Range.


    Some pics... Small rust hole in pass side front fender as you can see.


    Just wondering what a car in this shape would go for. She's thinking around the $6,000 mark.


    Thanks guys!








  2. This was from a couple weeks ago, but nevertheless. 3pm or so. E36 on blue wheels with a yellow bike on a rack. 94 East ramp from 45 South. Was driving like a total doucher. Cut me off. Cut a few other people off to get in this oh so important exit ramp. I dont know if he/she is on here, but word of advice, stop driving like a douche, please. Your "racecar" moves were not impressing anyone, I can promise you that.


    hahaha, anton.

  3. i would go.  but honestly stuff doesn't happen not because there is a lack of people that would come, but because generally no one steps up to be in charge. i've done a couple meets, you just have to set the date and be there. don't ask everyone when might work for them or what they want to do, waffle waffle, just do it.

    I'm right with you on that, I've tried hosting events as well, and it's not as simple as it sounds. Some of it is age demographic some is location.

    I just don't have the time to construct the event, I saw the interest and decided to push it forward so....Cyoung has interest but has a meet on his hands already. I deem who ever wants to make this happen should start a new thread. I just don't know the general interest of  the 5er crowd to make it worth while to do.

  4. Getting the ball rolling. 


    I do not want to be in charge of this event



    So, this thread  http://www.wibimmers.com/board/index.php?/topic/878-any-other-e39s/  generated a bit of enthusiasm on a 5er only meet.


    Personally I haven't made it to any wibimmers specific meet yet, partly it's cluttered with e30's, not that it's bad, don't get me wrong. 

    I'd be nice to get some 5er's involved in the social aspect of things, maybe we won't be as timid to get together with the club.


    I'm not looking for a drunkfest with a campfire ( although I'm not ruling it out ) but I  am looking for a nice gathering of people and sharing stories of cars, drives, working on cars, swearing at cars.... etc.

    WI bimmers, let's face it, is primarily SE Milwaukee. There are others around the area for sure. 

    Getting something somewhat central to group would be ideal.


    What are some thoughts? 

  5. 5er here.... e39's are more common now because they are affordable, they are the new e36 .... dare I say.....


    New thread needs to be started w/o general comments, just a post of car, contact info, etc. Get a little group going with easy access to contact info.... a registery if yo will

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